
Big Lakes County Agricultural Service member Grant Gashnitz and Big Lakes County resident Guy L’Heureux were awarded the inaugural Peace Country Beef & Forage Association (PCBFA) Lifetime Memberships at their Annual General Meeting in Fairview on February 22, 2019.

Big Lakes County Agricultural Service Board Chairman Doug Meniece said, “On behalf of the Agricultural Service Board I would like to extend my congratulations to Grant and Guy on their Lifetime Memberships. They both continue to go above and beyond to show their support for PCBFA and it shows through their passion of helping the next generation of farmers succeed through programs like 4-H.” 

The Lifetime Memberships are chosen by merit and awarded to those who have been instrumental in the success of PCBFA. Once awarded a Lifetime Membership, the recipient is made a permanent member and no longer needs to pay a membership fee.

PCBFA Manager Liisa Jeffrey said, “As a staff and board, we recognize that there are a number of people in our community who have contributed very significantly to the success of the association, for many years… decades even! Not to make them feel old. We decided that we needed a way to recognize these outstanding contributions, without which we would not be what we are today.  So, we decided to add a PCBFA Honourary Lifetime Membership Award.”

The Lifetime Memberships will be given out on a case by case basis, which means some years there will be multiple award recipients while other years there may be none. The award ceremony will always happen during the PCBFA annual general meeting.

Monika Benoit PCBFA Extension Program Coordinator said, “Grant has been a long-time member and supporter of PCBFA. He has served on our Board of Directors and hosted several projects and events on his place south west of High Prairie. Grant always goes above and beyond to invite new members to join PCBFA, as well as to welcome new staff, helping them find places to live, and making them feel welcome in the community. Grant is always just a call away when we need to bounce ideas off someone or need an extra set of hands.”

Kaitlin McLachlan PCBFA Environmental & Communications Coordinator said, Guy has also been a long-time member of PCBFA, serving on our Board of Directors and hosting many a project and tour at his place. Guy has always helped PCBFA board and staff members to think outside the box and challenge current ways of thinking and paradigms. Guy has been our resident Winter Watering System expert, coming up with new and innovative solutions to keep systems working all winter. There is rarely an event that Guy misses, usually bringing someone else along with him, and keeping everyone entertained and on their toes.”

For more information regarding the PCBFA or to get involved, please visit their website at

For further information, please contact: Victoria Pegg, Communications Coordinator, [email protected]

Filename: Lifetime_Membership_to_Peace_Country_Beef__Forage_Association.pdf

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