Fence Line Spraying Program


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Have you noticed the persistent Canada Thistle and Sow Thistle growing along the edges of your property adjacent to County Road allowances? These narrow strips of weeds, when left idle, are a major weed proliferation source to your croplands, and County Road allowances. They are often difficult and/or time consuming to control due to their proximity to fences, power poles, etc., and are often missed during field spraying operations.

The County has recognized this situation and will provide to landowners, the spraying of these transition zones under the Fence Line Spraying Program. The requested areas
will be incorporated into our annual spray rotation, free of charge. To sign up for this program, landowners simply need to complete a form identifying the lands where spraying is required. The spray request forms are available at the County administration offices. Once completed, forms can be submitted via email at [email protected] or at our administration offices. If you have any questions, please contact our Agricultural Services Department at 780-523-5955.

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