Grants for Community Organizations

Big Lakes County offers grant funding opportunities to support community organizations in delivering programs and services that enhance the quality of life for residents. These grants aim to assist with operational needs, special projects, and events that benefit the community. Eligible organizations are encouraged to apply for funding to help bring their initiatives to life.

Big Lakes County believes in supporting local community organizations that benefit and improve life in the County. The purpose of this program is to establish guidelines for Operating and Capital grant funding for Non-Profit Organizations located in and serving Big Lakes County residents.

Operating and Capital grant applications are accepted once annually with an application deadline of October 31st for consideration in the following year.

To apply for this funding, please complete the application form below.

Community Organization Operating & Capital Grant Application

The purpose of this program is to establish guidelines for Emergency Capital grant funding for Non-Profit Organizations located in and serving Big Lakes County residents.

Emergency Capital Grant Funding is meant for capital projects that are emergent and pose an immediate risk to health, life, property, or the environment, if the project is not undertaken.

To apply for this funding, please complete the application form below.

Community Organization Emergency Capital Grant Application

Big Lakes County believes in supporting local community groups and events that benefit and improve life in the County. The purpose of this program is to establish guidelines for donation requests by Non-Profit Organizations. Big Lakes County sponsorships provide one-time donations in exchange for promoting the Big Lakes County brand within the community.

Non-Profit Organizations may request funding for sponsorship 30 business days prior to the event.

To apply for this funding, please complete the application form below.

Sponsorship Application

Big Lakes County believes in supporting local community groups or organizations and ensuring a livable and vibrant County. The purpose of this program is to establish guidelines for Roadside & Hamlet cleanups within Big Lakes County.

Community Organizations may request to clean up a hamlet or up to 10 kilometers of roadside (both sides of the road). Requests must be submitted 30 business days prior to the event to allow for proper scheduling and advertising.

To apply for this funding, please complete the application form below.

Roadside & Hamlet Cleanup Grant Application

Big Lakes County believes in supporting local businesses and encouraging entrepreneurs within its communities. The purpose of this program is to advance our local economic growth by encouraging pride in the success and potential of our local businesses by implementing a Business Enhancement Grant Program. An approved Small Business may receive a grant of up to 50% of the total enhancement upgrades to a maximum of $2,500.

Business Refurbishment Program Form

The Return of Service Bursary Program was implemented to help incentivize post-secondary graduates to provide their skills and expertise within County boundaries following graduation. This policy is for residents within Big Lakes County boundaries who meet the eligibility criteria outlined in this policy and plan to pursue a career within our County’s boundaries following graduation. All applicants will be dealt with in a courteous and timely manner.

Return of Service Bursary Application

Businesses can access interest-free loans for a term of 3 years to participate in community beautification efforts. Once a business has accessed a loan and successfully paid off the initial loan, it can access an additional loan for more improvements under community beautification if additional funds are available. Home-based businesses will need to be assessed to determine if they qualify.

For more information, please call our office at 780-523-5955.

Big Lakes County is offering:

$20,000 annually for a veterinarian.

$8,000 annually for a registered veterinary technologist.

$4,000 per year per student during their practicum placements or summer work in Big Lakes County.

Applicants must be committed to performing both acute and long-term livestock veterinary services, including herd health support, diagnostics, pregnancy and semen checking, and emergency care during peak seasons.

For more information, contact Big Lakes County’s Agricultural Fieldman at [email protected] or call 780-523-8249.

Veterinary Bursary Application – Licensed Vets

Veterinary Bursary Application – Students

The Northern Alberta Development Bursary Program

The Northern Alberta Development (NAD) Bursary Program provides return of service bursaries to students who agree to live and work within the program boundary in their field of studies after they graduate.

Students need to apply for a bursary for each year they want to be considered. Students can apply for more than one bursary but can only accept one bursary in an academic year.

The Northern Alberta Development Bursary (NADB)

Students entering a program of studies that is one or two years long or students entering the last two years of their program of studies can access up to $7,000 per year.

Specialty Bursaries

  • Medical or Dentistry Student – $14,000/year.
    • Funding available for up to 4 years of program.
  • Nurse Practitioner Student – $10,500/year.
    • Funding available for up to 3 years of program.
  • Pharmacy Student – $7,000/year.
    • Funding available for up to 4 years of program.
  • Veterinary Student – $7,000/year.
    • Funding available for up to 4 years of program.

Application Dates: January 2 – April 30.

The First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) Bursary

Students in a certificate or diploma program can access up to $7,000 per year for their studies. Students in a bachelor’s, master’s or PhD program can access up to $11,500 per year for any year of their studies.

Application Date: First intake February 1 to June 1.

Second intake from June 5 to November 15.

Bursary Partnership Program (BPP) Bursary

Students are sponsored by a business, organization, or municipality. The NAD program does not find a sponsor for students.

  • The NAD program will match the sponsor’s bursary amount up to $3,500.00 per student per year.
  • Higher matching funds are available for:
    • Medical or Dentistry students can access up to $28,000/year.
    • Nurse Practitioner can access up to $21,000/year.
    • Pharmacy or Veterinary students can access up to $14,000/year.

Deadline for sponsors to provide NAD with required documents is November 30.

For more details visit: Northern Alberta Development Bursary Program |