Family & Community Support
Family & Community Support
Our purpose is to enhance the quality of life in our community by empowering individuals to address their own needs and take control of their well-being. We strive to help people live happier and healthier lives by providing education, raising awareness of available choices and options, giving individuals the power to shape their futures.
Contact Your Nearest FCSS Office
Office Hours are 8:15 am – 4:00 pm, closed 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm.
Big Lakes Volunteer Recognition
National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to celebrate the vibrancy and impact of volunteerism in your community and across our country. Volunteer Week 2025 is April 27 – May 3. It is a time to recognize volunteers and celebrate the power of volunteerism in our community.
We’re accepting nominations!
Nominations are open and being accepted for Volunteer Recognition events in our communities. These events are hosted by Big Lakes Family & Community Support Services.
Who can make a nomination?
Any group or individual may submit one or more nominations to Big Lakes Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) for the Volunteer Recognition events held throughout the County of Big Lakes and Town of High Prairie. Nomination forms can be picked up at the County office, the Town office, all FCSS outreach offices or printed from the website at Forms must be filled out completely to be considered by the selection committee. Nominations are kept confidential and only the nominees selected by the committee will be announced to the public.
Who can be nominated?
Candidates who live in Big Lakes County or Town of High Prairie who meet the eligibility criteria listed below. All nominees must be:
- Involved in an activity or activities that are voluntary in nature and are not part of the
candidate’s occupation or job description.
- Involved in an activity or activities that provide a benefit to the community, bring credit or distinction to the community or enhance life in the community. Such activities can be in any area of community service (cultural activities, recreation, civic service, youth work, or community promotion).
- Candidate must have volunteered between January 1 and December 31, 2024.
- Candidates must be over the age of 18.
Additionally, keep in mind that:
- You do not have to receive permission from a candidate in to nominate them.
- Nominations become the property of the Big Lakes Family & Community Services
Why do volunteers have to be nominated?
Nominations will help the organizers properly honor each volunteer for their contribution to their communities and assist with planning the event.
What is the deadline for a nomination?
Nomination forms must be completely filled out and signed and returned to the selection committee by April 9, 2025. No late nominations will be accepted.
Big Lakes Volunteer Appreciation Nomination Form
"*" indicates required fields
Frequently Asked Questions
Outreach Workers are in the communities to assist residents of Big Lakes County, and the Town of High Prairie. They assist with government forms, provide resource information, refer residents to other agencies and do tax returns for low-income residents. They also act as an advocate for residents when they deal with various government departments.
Applications for AISH, CPP, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Alberta Senior Benefit, Aids to Daily Living, RRAP, EARP, HASI, Alberta Special Needs Grants for Seniors, Alberta Blue Cross, Passport Applications, etc.
If the form you require is not listed, rest assured that they will do their best to assist you.
Provincial Family and Community Support Services legislation does not allow us to provide services to Reserves and Settlements. Government funding for these services is provided outside our program. Reserves and Settlements may receive government funding to establish their own Family and Community Support Services services.
Contact your Family and Community Support Services Office.
Home Support is a light housekeeping service available to residents of the county. This is a subsidized service for disabled residents and seniors who need assistance so they can remain in their own homes. Fees can be as low as $5.00 per hour, depending on your income level. Bills are sent out monthly. Heavy cleaning such as spring cleaning or yard work is not provided. Home Support workers are prohibited from entering a home if the client is not present. Contact your community Outreach Worker for more information or to apply for Home Support.