Development Permits & Subdivisions

A Development Permit is a written approval issued by the County under the Land Use Bylaw authorizing development, including excavation, stockpiling, building, additions, and a change in use or intensity of the use of the land or building, to proceed. The County processes a variety of applications that impact land use in the County throughout the year, some of which require public notification and/or public input before final approval is granted.

  1. A completed Application for Development Permit form.
  2. A Site Plan including:
    • legal description and dimensions of parcel
    • front, rear and side yard setbacks to any
    • existing or proposed buildings
    • dimensions of existing or proposed buildings
    • access to the parcel; on-site parking spaces
    • storm-water drainage plan
    • location of water and sewage collection systems and
    • existing and proposed parcel elevations and grades
  3. Appropriate Application Fee
Development Permit Application

All development within Big Lakes County requires a development permit except for the following listing, provided that these projects meet the requirements under our Land Use Bylaw.

  • A fence no higher than 1.83m (6 ft.)
  • The maintenance or repair of any building not including structural alterations
  • Extensive agricultural operations Water reservoirs or dugouts for water supply
  • Above ground pre-manufactured swimming pools with a water volume less than 6.11 cubic metres (72 cubic feet)
  • Solar panels affixed to a roof or wall of existing buildings
  • The erection of an uncovered deck which has a height of less than 0.6m (1.97 ft.) above grade
  • The construction of farm buildings in the AG district
  • Hard-surfacing of any yard area on a parcel to provide vehicular access
  • The erection of freestanding towers or poles not exceeding 6.1m (20.0 ft.)
  • Landscaping – not including changes in grade, drainage, stockpiling or excavation
  • The construction of 10.0 m2 (107.6ft.2) maximum floor area storage or sheds

For more information and to access the full list of exceptions, refer to our Land Use Bylaw.

The Safety Codes Act requires that all contractors and homeowners in Alberta obtain permits prior to starting any work on buildings covered by the current edition of the Alberta Building Code. Building permits are required for most construction projects. These projects include new buildings, additions, renovations, alterations, repairs, relocations, demolitions, or the change of use in an existing building.

Depending on the nature and scope of your project, you may also require one or more of the following permits:

  • electrical
  • gas
  • plumbing
  • private sewage system

It is your responsibility to ensure that construction complies with the Alberta Building Code.

Safety Codes permits can be obtained from the County’s contracted agency, The Inspections Group. Application forms and contact information can be found at or 1-866-554-5048.

Building Permit Fee Schedule

A subdivision permit is required when a land owner wishes to legally divide a single parcel of land into two or more smaller parcels; subdividing results in each of these smaller parcels having their own title. You may wish to subdivide your parcel for many reasons, including:

You may want to subdivide to allow for the sale of some or all of the land for a number of financial reasons.

You are looking at retiring from farming and would like to sell off your farmland but keep your home. If this is the first time the quarter section has been subdivided, this is called a farmstead separation.

You may wish to subdivide one or more parcels to allow for different ownership of the land rather than joint ownership.