Big Lakes County Council Elect Reeve & Deputy Reeve


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October 26, 2021: The newly elected 2021 Big Lakes County Council met today to receive their oath of office. Seven new Councillors and two incumbents stood before the group to solemnly swear that they will diligently, faithfully, and to the best of their ability execute according to law, the office of Councillor for Big Lakes County.

At today’s annual organizational meeting, Council also elected Ward 5 Councillor Robert Nygaard as Reeve and Ward 3 Councillor Jim Zabolotniuk as Deputy Reeve.

Reeve Nygaard has represented his hamlet of Faust as a member of Council for two consecutive four-year terms. Reeve Nygaard has also served as chairman for the Municipal Planning Commission for the last four years and has served at the Faust Fire District as Deputy Fire Chief for 15 years.

I would like to thank my fellow Councillors for their trust and confidence in electing me to the position of Reeve,” said Reeve Nygaard. “I am excited to work together with this new Council who bring with them a myriad of experience and will surely bring forward a fresh perspective to their new roles. I know that my experience on Council will be invaluable as I take on the role of Reeve for Big Lakes County, but my priority as Reeve in the coming months is to listen to Council and understand the wants and needs of each of their regions. It is important that we all work together as a team, together with Administration, the ratepayers, and any stakeholders to help accomplish our goals.”

Deputy Reeve Zabolotniuk thanked Council for their support saying, “it is an honour to serve the people of Big Lakes County as Deputy Reeve in my first term. I would also like to thank Council for their continued support as I navigate this new position.”

Council holds an organizational meeting each year where Council reviews specific bylaws and policies, appoints members to over 50 committees, and elects the Reeve and Deputy Reeve.

Bronté Collett
Communications Coordinator
[email protected]

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